Contact ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Coordinators of Art Education Dept.: Mgr. Helena Kafková, Ph.D. [ URL "KVV2-84.html "] helena.kafkova(zavinac) [ MAIL "helena.kafkova(zavinac)"] Doc. Marie Fulková, Ph.D. [ URL "KVV2-76.html "] marie.fulkova(zavinac) [ MAIL "marie.fulkova(zavinac)"] will help you with the study agenda. Administration of stipendia, accommodation, etc. will be provided by the International Office (4th floor, room 401): Nikola Velíšková nikola.veliskova(zavinac) [ MAIL "nikola.veliskova(zavinac) "] When you have arrived in Prague, you will also be in contact with the secretary of Art Edu Art Education Department´s secretary: Ing. Hana Straková (3rd floor, room 326d) hana.strakova(zavinac) [ MAIL "hana.strakova(zavinac)"]