
Information for incoming students under Erasmus+ programme

What to expect?

We offer to foreign students several art subjects, art workshops and art projects. You can create your individual studying plan. You can focus on certain problem or theme; you can practice your art or educational skills. You will join Czech and foreign students in art subjects and workshops where you can establish a new contacts and friendships. In Art Project you will cooperate with lecturer and work individually.

What we require?

We expect your field of study is Art Education and you are advanced in art skills. We expect you to attend art subjects according to the schedule and communicate with your project leader regularly. We expect you to present your results in colloquium in the end of semester.

In 2021 / 2022

We offer these Erasmus Art Projects (suitable for students studying Art Education and Arts):

OEBWV1701Z The Object and Landscape 15 ECTS (coordinator: Michal Sedlák

OEBWV1702Z Event-what-happened 15 ECTS (coordinator: Martin Raudenský

OEBWV1703Z Photo image in education 15 ECTS (coordinator: Markéta Magidová

OEBWV1704Z Visual Diary 15 ECTS (coordinator: Sylva Francová

We offer these Art Subjects (suitable for students studying Art Education and Arts):

OEBWV1705Z Drawing 4 ECTS (the lecturer depends on the actual schedule)

OEBWV1706Z Painting 4 ECTS the (lecturer depends on the actual schedule)

OEBWV1707Z Printmaking 4 ECTS (the lecturer depends on the actual schedule)

OEBWV1708Z Photography 4 ECTS (the lecturer depends on the actual schedule)

OEBWV1709Z Plastic art / space and object art 4 ECTS (the lecturer depends on the actual schedule)

OEBWV1710Z Graphic design / applied graphic 4 ECTS (the lecturer depends on the actual schedule)

We offer these Art Workshops (suitable for students outside the field of Art Education):

Workshop ONE

Workshop ONE consists of 7 two-hour workshops. Each workshop is dedicated to a different art discipline (drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, printmaking, graphic design and can be added plastic arts or excursion to gallery) and is led by a different lecturer. These workshops are suitable for students of teaching for kindergartens and primary schools, for teachers who do not study primarily Art Education. Workshop offers a wide range of artistic approaches and creative tasks and is an introduction to the field of Art Education.

What are the current forms of teaching?

At this time, we teach in person, hybrid and distance - you will receive exact instructions from teachers.

Plans and forms are ready? Welcome to Prague!

But still few steps to do:

1) Contact Department for International Relations

Mgr. Jana Peclová

Erasmus+ Administrator (incoming and outgoing students)

2) Visit the introductory meeting at the Department of Art Education

You will receive information about your schedule, consultation hours of lecturers and you will meet colleagues from other countries and buddies from our department. The coordinator will email you the date, place and time.

3) Enrol to Art Subjects, Art Workshop and Art Projects

During first week you should enrol to Art Subjects, Art Workshop and Art Project in SIS. Contact your lecturers and teachers, introduce yourself. Please prepare a portfolio of your artworks and present it to the Art Project lecturer.

Well, let´s study! Enjoy!

How do the outputs usually look like?

Examples of outputs from the Art Subjects: portfolio of art works, sketches, reflective records, seminar work, photo documentation, test or oral exam

Examples of outputs from the Art Project: portfolio of art works, sketches, reflective records, survey, photo documentation + colloquial presentation

Examples of outputs from the Art Workshop: portfolio of art works, creation and procedures, sketches, reflective records, photo documentation

In the end of semester

Submit your work in Art Subjects, Art Workshop and Art Project and get credits (submit to the lecturer and send your portfolio/presentation/album etc. to Lucie Jakubcová Hajdušková). Control your results in SIS. Meet with your colleagues and Czech students in the colloquium and present your work. At the Department for International Relations (Mgr. Jana Peclová) you will receive the transcript of records.

Thank you for being with us, thanks for the enrichment of our community!

We will be very happy to get feedback from you.

Erasmus+ coordinator

Mgr. Lucie Jakubcová Hajdušková, Ph.D.

Office 326 D

Last change: September 21, 2021 19:07 
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Univerzita Karlova

Pedagogická fakulta

Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1,

Tel.: +420 221 900 111

IČ: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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