PhD. Study

PhD Programme in Czech and in English

Duration: 4 years

Characteristics of the PhD Programme

Contemporary field of Visual Art Education is embedded in the inquiry into social and cultural conditions of visualization (showing, imagining, and creating) understood as a specific feature of human ontogenesis, culture and general education. The study contributes to a deep understanding of creative thinking, learning and teaching in the area of contemporary art, its mediation, visual culture, visual and cultural anthropology and related philosophy and critical theories.


The program of Visual Art Education as an integral part of the educational field of Art and Culture has a great interdisciplinary potential. Graduates represent specialists not only in the area of visual and fine arts, but also in research teams of pedagogy, special pedagogy, developmental psychology, media and cultural studies, comparative cultural and pedagogical studies, visual semiotics, cognitive science, aesthetics, visual theory and others.

Since the 90s the discursive field of Art Education in the Czech Republic has been characterized particularly by its constant interaction with that of philosophy and semiotics. The specificity of the Czech context seems to be connected to the fact that both of these disciplines – philosophy (and phenomenology in particular) and semiotics – have a long tradition within the Czech thought itself:the most interesting results of the Czech theoretical reflection in the 90s resulted precisely from the intersection of the “Czech” versions of structuralism and phenomenology and their “Western” counterparts, which became known to the Czech intellectual public via numerous translations from French and German published after 1989.

Research issues and framings

- Visual semiotic and post-structuralist approaches in cultural and visual education

- Critical analysis of art and art education discourses

- Critical analysis of semiotic spaces between cultural and educational institutions

- Contemporary art

- Curriculum analysis and construction

- Visual and cultural literacy


Detailed information:

doc. PhDr. Marie Fulková, Ph.D.

Supervisor of Doctoral Studies

Chair of PhD Board


Last change: March 5, 2019 12:55 
Contact Us

Univerzita Karlova

Pedagogická fakulta

Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1,

Tel.: +420 221 900 111

IČ: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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