Foreign Cooperation

International Relations

Art Education Department develops international relations with numerous universities and educational institutions. We involve in multilateral international projects, for example Creative Connections 517844-LLP-2011-UK-Comenius-CMP, funded by EACEA, There is ongoing international collaboration of Art Education Department in multilateral international projects. Some teachers and Ph.D. students became a part of infrastructure of European research of visual literacy ENVIL. Also, non-European Universities are among our international partners, namely the Japanese Joetsu University of Education. We organize international exhibitions, e. g. with teachers from Lapland University in the historical university building of Karolinum in 2016. Testing new methods of inter-institutional collaboration is something that interests us. Currently we are developing an innovative collaboration of master and doctoral students with the students from University of Maribor. International teachers, staying for a semester or the whole academic year are an important part of our international relations, as well as international students, whose number is around twenty students per year.

Last change: March 5, 2019 12:20 
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Univerzita Karlova

Pedagogická fakulta

Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1,

Tel.: +420 221 900 111

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