Ladislav Daniel, prof., PhDr.,Ph.D.

Affiliation: Professor and Member of Board of Doctoral Studies: Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Research field: art history: Italian, French and Spanish painting of the 16th to 18th century; 20th–century European painting; collectionism of Italian painting in Czech lands; theory of interpretation; relations between art and music and between art and science.

2000 – Habilitation and 2003 Professorship in the Theory and History of Art, Palacký University.

Since 1998 Senior Lecturer and Professor of the History of Art at Faculty of Arts of the Palacký University in Olomouc. Past member of Scientific Boards: of the Palacký University, of the University of Ostrava, of the Faculty of Arts of the Palacký University, of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the Charles University; member of four doctoral boards at the Charles University and Palacký University and of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. From 1981 to 2001 in the National Gallery in Prague: Curator of Italian, Spanish and French painting, then Chief Curator of the Old Masters Collection, then General Director the National Gallery in Prague, from 1998 to 2000 also co-founder and Chief Curator of the Archdiocesan Museum in Olomouc. Member of the Acquisition Board of the Olomouc Museum of Art.

He conceived and organized exhibitions of Italian painting in the National Gallery and abroad and has written or edited catalogues (Musica Picta, 1984 – NG Prague; Tra l’eruzione e la peste, La pittura a Napoli dal 1631 al 1656, and Benátčané, Malířství 17. a 18. století z českých a moravských sbírek 1995, 1996 – Prague Castle Riding School; Tesori di Praga, La pittura veneta del ‘600 e del ‘700, 1996 – Trieste; The Florentines, Art from the Times of the Medici Grand Dukes, 2002 – NG Prague. He published articles and papers in Italy, Spain, Japan, France, South Africa, Germany, Greece, Austria, Poland, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic.


1998 – Officer of the Order of Merit awarded by the President of the Italian Republic for the research in Italian painting.

2003 – Honorary Mention of the Rector of of the Palacký University for the publication The Florentines, Art from the Times of the Medici Grand Dukes, Prague 2002.

2010 – Golden Medal of Merit of the Palacký University.

Senior Researcher in projects:

2016–2018 – Member of the team of grant MŠMT NAKI DG16P02M013, Bishop of Olomouc Karl of Lichtenstein-Castelcorno in the Center of the Baroque Europe.

2014–2015 – Member of the expert group TA 06 in project Kredo ESF CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0137.

2013–2015 – Member of the team of the project ESF OPVK CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0137 INKULTUS, Garant of the section Art and Culture at the Palacký University.

2007–2013 – Chief researcher of the Research Intention MSM 6198959225 Moravia and World, Art in the Open Multicultural Space.

2006–2008 – Chief researcher of ESF Art: Space for Life and Play. Development of the study of employments: animator of art, mediator of art, exhibitions curator, manager of mediation of art.

International appointments: from 2017 – Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the Vienna Center for the History of Collecting – Institute of the History of Art, Vienna University; in 1989 Fellow of the Harvard University Center of Renaissance Studies in Florence; in 1997 Fellow of the American Academy in Rome; in 2002 Visiting Professor in the Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris.

Selected publications:

DANIEL, L. (2017) Restaurování Tizianova obrazu Apollón a Marsyas, in: Simona Jemelková (ed.), Pod kůží Marsya, Restaurátor a malíř F. Sysel (1927 – 2013), Kroměříž 2017, pp. 60-69. DANIEL, L. (2017) Ivan Blecha – Ladislav Daniel, Starořecké FYSIS a PERAS a rozcestí mezi uměním a vědou kolem roku 1600, in: Rostislav Švácha – Sabina Soušková – Anna Šubrtová (eds.), Věda a umění, Sborník z 5. sjezdu historiků umění 2015, Artefaktum – Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci – Uměleckohistorická společnost, Praha 2017, pp. 116-130.

DANIEL, L. (2015) Světlo v malířství, Československý časopis pro fyziku 65, 2015, č. 5-6, speciální dvojčíslo Mezinárodní rok světla a světelných technologií 2015, pp. 279-282. ISSN 0009-0700 (Print), ISSN 1804-8536 (Online)

DANIEL, L. (2015) Slohová inkulturace a Rottmayrův Merkur a Paris, in: Daniel, L. (ed.) Umění a kultura. Sborník příspěvků z Mezinárodní konference kulturních studií (Searching for Culture – SEFOC) 16.-17. října 2014, 6, Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2015, pp. 54-61.

DANIEL, L. (2014) On the Figuralism of Giuseppe Heintz Il Giovane. Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities 2, 2014, pp. 54-61. ISSN 1805-3742

DANIEL, L. (2009) Picture Gallery, in: Ladislav Daniel – Marek Perůtka – Milan Togner (eds.), Archbishop's Chateau and Gardens in Kroměříž, Kroměříž 2009, pp. 151-170.

DANIEL, L. (2008) L’Europa centrale e la pittura fiorentina dell’epoca di Furini, in: M. Gregori, R. Maffeis, Un‘ altra bellezza. Francesco Furini, Università di Firenze 2008,pp.129-143.

DANIEL, L. (2007) „Vidimus stellam eius in oriente“ Notes on Mural Paintings in the Sternberg Palace in Prague, in: MÁDL M., ŠEFERISOVÁ LOUDOVÁ M. a WÖRGÖTTER Z. (edd.) Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe. Proceedings of the International Conference, Brno – Prague, 27th of September – 1st of October, 2005. Prague: Artefactum, Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd České republiky, 2007, pp. 27-38, ill. 1-18, pp. 240-248, obr. XII-XXX.

DANIEL, L. (2007) Zwei Gemälde von Antonio Zanchi zu alttestamentlichen Themen, in: BALÁŽOVÁ B. (ed.), Generationen – Interpretationen – Konfrontationen. Sammelband von Beiträgen aus der internationalen Konferenz in den Tagen 20. – 22. April 2005 in Bratislava. Bratislava: Ústav dejín umenia Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2007, pp. 81-89, ill. 1-12.

DANIEL, L. (2003) Galileo Galilei, la tradizione rinascimentale e la pittura del Seicento fiorentino: esempi boemi, in: S. Graciotti, J. Křesálková (edd.), Barocco in Italia, barocco in Boemia. Uomini, idee e forme d´arte a confronto. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, San Giorgio Maggiore, Venezia – Roma 2003, pp. 431-450, ill. on pp. 550-555.

DANIEL, L. (2002) Vincenc Kramář et «l´actualité» des maîtres d´autrefois, in: Vincenc Kramář, un théoricien et collectionneur du cubisme à Prague (J. Claverie, H. Klein, V. Lahoda, O. Uhrová edd.), Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris 2002, pp. 175-182.

DANIEL, L. (ed.) (2002) The Florentines. Art from the Time of the Medici Grand Dukes. Národní galerie v Praze, Praha 2002.

DANIEL, L. (2000) Der Mann mit Harfe. Apollon, Orpheus und David. Bemerkungen zur musikalische Tipologie, in: S. Ferino-Pagden, L. Marques (ed.), Dipingere la musica. Musik in der Malerei. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien 2001, pp. 53-57.

DANIEL, L. (1999) Between the Pantocrator and the Man: Addenda to the Italian Influences in El Greco´s Work, in: El Greco in Italy and Italian Art. Proceedings of the International Symposium. Rethymno, Crete 1995. University of Crete, Rethymno, 1999, pp. 243-246.

DANIEL, L. (1998) The Myth of the Prince between Rome and Prague around 1600, in: Rudolf II, Prague and the World. Papers from the International Conference. Prague 1998, pp. 49-56.

DANIEL, L. (ed.) (1996) Tesori di Praga. La pittura veneta del ´600 e del ´700 dalle collezioni nella Repubblica Ceca. Electa, Milano 1996.

DANIEL, L. (1996) A New Challenge: the Old Masters, in: Crossroads in Central Europe. Ideas, Themes, Methods and Problems of Contemporary Art and Art Criticism. Acts of the international conference, Budapest 1996, pp. 87-91.

DANIEL, L. (1995) Tra l`eruzione e la peste. La pittura a Napoli dal 1631 al 1656, Introduzione W. Prohaska, Národní galerie v Praze, Praha 1995.

DANIEL, L. (1991) "E spesso 1'orror va col diletto". Boemia, Moravia e la pittura dell'Emilia e della Romagna, in: A. Emiliani, M. Scholaro (ed.), Da Correggio a Crespi. Pittura dal Cinque-cento al Settecento in Emilia e in Romagna.Bologna – Praha 1991, pp. XIX-XXV, 125-129.

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