Jaroslav Bláha, doc.PhDr., Ph.D.

Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Current position:

Senior lecturer – BA, MA and PhD programmes

Member of the committee of the “Charles University Monographs Competition”

Jaroslav Bláha’s academic research and pedagogical activities centre on art theory and history, in particular on modern and contemporary art with a focus on the interdisciplinary relationship between modern art and music. He authored numerous publications on this topic culminating in his multi-volume scientific monograph Fine Art and Music. In 2014, its second volume won the second place in the prestigious contest Charles University Monographs Competition.

Grants and research projects:

Jaroslav Bláha’s research activities focus on cultural education, in particular on comparative art studies with a special focus on the relationship between fine arts and music, not only on historical and theoretical level, but also on the level of museum and gallery education implementing interdisciplinary methods.

2011-2013 National and Cultural Identity (NAKI DF11P01OVV025) funded by the Czech Ministry of Culture.

1999-2004 Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Communication as a Contemporary Example of Education, Philosophy and Science (VZ KVV, VZ MSM 1141 00006/614) Multidisciplinary communication as an educational principle in arts and humanities.

1998 Research on Supporting the Public Effect of Exhibitions funded by SCCA (Soros Center for Contemporary Art)

1995-1997 Comparison between Fine Art and Music as a Methodological Base for Creative Thinking and Social Self-conception in Aesthetic Education (Interdisciplinary Approaches and Comparative Contexts) funded by Charles University Grant Agency (internal CU grant no. 95/93)

Selected publications:

1. Výtvarné umění a hudba. Tvar, prostor a čas I/1, TOGGA : Praha 2012, ISBN 978-80-87258-69-9, počet stran 240

2. Výtvarné umění a hudba. Tvar, prostor a čas I/2, TOGGA : Praha 2013, ISBN 978-80-7476-019-8, počet stran 360

3. Křižovatka geneze moderního malířství a hudby. Univerzita Karlova – Pedagogická fakulta : Praha 2007, ISBN 978-80-7290-291-0, počet stran 272

4. Mystický realismus jako specifická tendence na přelomu 13. a 14. Století, Výtvarná výchova 3/2016, s. 2 – 13, ISSN 1210-3691

5. Role náhody v abstraktním expresionismu a atonální hudbě. In Estetické kontrapunkty hudobného a výtvarného umenia. Medzinárodný odborný seminář umelcov a teoretikov umenia (zborník) Tatranská galeria Poprad 2006, ISBN 978-80-88851-23-3, s. 71 – 80, počet stran 10

6. Metodologická východiska pohledu na genezi moderního malířství a hudby. In Multidisciplinární komunikace – problém a princip všeobecného vzdělávání, Univerzita Karlova – Pedagogická fakulta : Praha 2005, ISBN 80-7290-199-0, s. 240 – 265, počet stran 26

Last change: April 13, 2019 19:17 
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