PhDr. Leonora Kitzbergerová, Ph.D.

Affiliation: Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Current position:

Lecturer – BA, MBA and PhD programmes

Field practice coordinator

Member of the executive editorial board of the professional journal Art Education

Research field: Arts Education´s didactics and theory; curricular documents of Arts Education, visual and digital literacy

Grants and research projects:

2017–2021 Promoting of the development of digital literacy

2018–2020 Revision of Framework Educational Programs, Art and Culture - Visual Arts

2017-2021 PROGRES Q17, Teacher Training and Teaching Profession in Science and Research Context - Theme - Visual Literacy. Funded by Charles University

2012-2014 Creative Connections 517844-LLP-2011-UK-Comenius-CMP, funded by EACEA.

2008–2011 Images and Identity: Improving Citizenship Education through Digital Art, LLP Erasmus, Comenius, EACEA, 142345 – LLP – 1–2008 – 1 – UK - COMENIUS – CMP.

Selected publications:

KITZBERGEROVÁ, L. 2014. Didaktika výtvarné výchovy. version1-didaktika_vytvarne_vychovy.pdf

FULKOVÁ, M., KITZBERGEROVÁ, L. 2017. Vlivy multimediální komunikace ve výtvarné výchově. In Výtvarná výchova. Časopis pro výtvarnou a obecně estetickou výchovu školní a mimoškolní, sv. 57/2017, s. 16–39. ISSN 1210-3691

Last change: May 9, 2019 10:12 
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