MgA. Jan Pfeiffer

Affiliation: Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education,

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Current position:

Lecturer, Phd student

Research field: Black, phenomenon, visual art, culture, possibilities, education

Artist statement:

Jan Pfeiffer has mastered various media, indulging in video, photography, animation and drawing. Pfeiffer combines an analytical melancholy over historical, political and sociocultural phenomena and a genuine fascination by mythological and religious symbolism. However, the artist does not choose his material according to its relevance in the historiographic discourse. He is primarily interested in the sometimes hardly perceptible mechanisms and connotations that co-create or surround the given historical or social moments. Or, on the contrary, he explores the given mechanisms and connotations as results of a moment of initiation which triggers a historical or social movement. The language employed by Pfeiffer to narrate the eclectic stories of his own reflection is abstract and often distinctively symbolic. However, it is still based on a human measure that the artist employs both in his individual works and in the

Selected solo exhibitions :


Counterbalance, curated by Tomáš Knoflíček, Gallery Dukla,

Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic


Two Rules for One Thing, curated by Pavel Kubesa, NoD Gallery, Prague,

Czech Republic

Somewhere Something Is Happening, curated by Tereza Severová, Galerie

Entrance, Prague, Czech Republic  (in collaboration with Pavla


Black in The Move, curated by Tomáš Knoflíček, Galerie Louby, Ostrava,

Czech Republic


Surfaces and Plains, curated by Ida a Jakub Chuchlíkovy, Gallery

Kaplička, Jablonec, Czech Republic

In-depth Research, curated by R. Šalanda, L.Machalický, SPZ Gallery,

Prague, Czech Republic (in collaboration with Radek Brousil)

Relation of a Relation, curated by Lenka Sýkorová, Drdova Gallery,

Prague, Czech Republic


Mastabas and Dumps II., curated by Zuzana Jakolová, Jaro Varga, Make

up Gallery, Tabačka, Košice, Slovakia

Persona Forte, curated by Zuzana Jakalová, Prádelna Bohnice, Prague,

Czech Republic (in collaboration with Markéta Magidová)

Pohyb železa, curated by Lenka Sýkorová, Altán Klamovka, Prague, Czech Republic


Mastabas and Dumps, curated by Zuzana Jakolová, Jaro Varga, Hit

Gallery  Bratislava, Slovakia

Support Points, curated by Stanisław Ruksza, Kronika Gallery, Bytom, Poland

Hidden Power, curated by Michal Novotný, Futura Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic

Ostentatious Abstraction, curated by Sandra Bavorovská, Colloredo

Mansfeld Palace, GHMP, Prague, Czech Republic


Construction Works, curated by Markéta Stará, Kabinet Gallery, TIC,

Brno, Czech Republic (in collaboration with Radek Brousil)

The Fire Begins All Over Again, curated by Petr Kovář, Gallery

OFF/FORMAT, Brno, Czech Republic


Each embracing all the rest, curated by Viktor Čech, Jelení Gallery,

Prague, Czech Republic

Some Things Pass, curated by Jakub Stejskal, Drdová Gallery, Prague,

Czech Republic


Contribution, curated by Tereza Stejskalová,, Prague, Czech Republic

A PREMONITIONED LANDSCAPE STRETCHES BEHIND YOU, curated by Dušan Záhoranský, Gallery Kostka – Meetfactory, Prague, Czech Republic

Right in front of me, curated by Alessandra Troncone, Museo

Laboratorio di Arte Contemporary, Roma, Italy


Behind the Back, curated by Bára Špičáková, Gallery Fenester, Prague,

Czech Republic

Extension, curated by  Sandra Baborovská, Start-up – GHMP – The Golden

Ring House, Prague, Czech Republic

Urbanism of Memory, curated by Katarína Uhlířová, Open Gallery,

Bratislava, Slovakia

Limited Overlap, curated by Jan Zálešák, Galerie mladých BKC, Brno,

Czech Republic

Grants and research projects:


Grant award from the Standpunkte Landeplatze for a public space

installation, curator: Wolfgang Herzer, Weiden, Germany

Selected publications:

Gajdošíková P., Pfeiffer J. (2017). Visuality (Visual Changes) in the

City Space, in: Alesadro Castelanos (ed.), Visual literacy / Visual

Imagineries, Interdisciplinarity Press

Last change: April 13, 2019 18:53 
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