Mgr. Helena Kafková, Ph.D.

Affiliation: Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Current position:

Assistant professor

Researcher – Project of visual literacy

Teacher – BC, MA and Ph.D. programs, Erasmus+program, international students

Research field: visual literacy, subject integration, Visual Arts Education in pre-school, reflections of Bauhaus in Arts Education´s didactics, Reflections of Hegel´s Aesthetics in Bauhaus and Visual Arts Education in the Czech Republic, Theorizing of the Grounded Theory in the context of Arts Education

Helena Kafková focuses in her research on theorizing the modernistic conception of Visual Arts Education and the problematics of its integration with Second Language Acquisition. She points out how this didactical conception of Visual Arts Education is connected with Bauhaus pedagogy and she also studies theoretical grounding of Bauhaus in Hegel´s theory. She has published articles nationally and internationally (Výtvarná výchova, Dialogos com Arte, etc.). She delivers speeches at national and international conferences (iJADE, InSEA). She has supervised numerous bachelor and master thesis and currently supervises one doctoral thesis. The topics of the thesis are concerned with recently under-estimated potentialities of developing visual literacy and creative thinking in Visual Arts Education and on describing and analysing how specific misconceptions stand in the way of developing these in young children, both in pre-school, elementary school, and extracurricular education. She collaborates with different cultural institutions and partner universities (e.g. The Museum of Decorative Art in Prague).

Grants and research projects:

2012-2014 Creative Connections 517844-LLP-2011-UK-Comenius-CMP, funded by EACEA."

2017-2021 PROGRES Q17, Příprava učitele a učitelská profese v kontextu vědy a

výzkumu/Teacher Preparation and Prefession in the Context of Science and Research. Sub-

theme: Visual Literacy. Funded by Charles University.

2018-2019 Project OPVV „Zvýšení kvality vzdělávání na UK a jeho relevance pro potřeby trhu práce“, dílčí projekt „Podpora rozvoje oborově didaktických magisterských studijních programů“. Reg. č.: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002362

Editorial boards:

Výtvarná výchova (editor)

Administrative agenda:

Erasmus coordinator and coordinator for international affairs of Arts Education Dept., coordinator of Visual Arts study programmes for Pre-School Education, coordinator of visual literacy´s entrance exams for Pre-School Education

Selected publications:

Kafková, H.: Příručka pro stavitele v libovolné substantivní oblasti. In: Výtvarná výchova 2/2011, s. 15 – 17. ISSN 1210-3691

KAFKOVÁ, H.: How to Build a House in Substantive Area and in the “Middleground”? In: GAUL E., KÁRPÁTI A., PATAKY G., ILLÉS A. szerk.: A MŰVÉSZETOKTATÁS TEREI. Tanulmányok a vizuális nevelés nemzetközi szakirodalmából. (SPACES OF ART EDUCATION. International Studies In Art Education). Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, (National Publishing House for Education), Budapest, 2012, s. 35-40. ISBN 978-963-08-7415-1

Kafková, H.: Reflexe Hegelovy estetiky v klasické umělecké moderně. In: Pelcová, N., Hogenová, A. (Eds.): Smysl, cíl a účel ve výchově, umění a sportu. UK Praha, 2012, s. 172-178.

ISBN: 978-80-7290-605-5

Kafková, H.: Institutionalized Significations and Creativity. In: Revista Diálogos com a arte, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Centro de Estudos da Criança do Instituto de Educação, 2013, vol. 3. s. 249-260. ISSN: 2183-1726

Available on:"

Fulková, M., Kafková, H.: Nové trendy ve výtvarné výchově. In: Kohnová, J. (Ed.): Sborník příspěvků z konference Profesní rozvoj učitelů. Praha, UK, 2012, s. 41-48. ISBN 978-80-7290-548-5

Available on:"

Kafková, H.: Proč bychom se nebavili - Schéma masové kultury a Výtvarná výchova. In: Pelcová, N., Hogenová, A (Eds.): Čas ve výchově, umění a sportu. UK Praha, 2014, s. 169-175. ISBN: 978-80-7290-777-9

Last change: April 13, 2019 18:52 
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