MgA. Michal Sedlák, Ph.D.

Affiliation: Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague - 2005/now

Current position: Artist – teacher, Senior Researcher – Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Current research:

Michal Sedlák, Ph.D. examines through his artistic creation and art based research methods the roles of the object in the physical public space and social attitudes towards contemporary art.

His artistic explorations are situated on the borders of Applied Art and Fine art. He explores specific occurrences in landscape, architecture and design while inspired by craft tradition, but also by modern technology. Since 2011, in his research and artistic practise he has been fully focused on problems concerning with an object in public space. He conducts inquiry into aspects of recent physical activities of a man, especially in public space in Czech Republic after revolution 1989 – till now, in the context of social and historical period between the turn of 19th and 20th century and the Second World War.

Activities related to the project theme:

M. Sedlák combines artist and teacher approaches to study of students' perception of physical space, especially public space. He explores their artistic 3D art making and body relations regarding to artistic language and visual literacy. His interests lie in transmission of knowledges and skills from the object art creating field for potential future teachers in the practise and everyday life.

Exhibitions and Art projects:

2018 Michal Sedlák, Arisa Douya, Toshiuki Shimosato: International Exchange Exhibition 2018 A3 Project. Visual Literacy and Cultural Transfers: Japan – Czech Republic – China – Taiwan. Joetsu, Niigata. Myuze Yuki Komachi Gallery, 1. 5. – 30. 7. 2018. Faculty of Art, Joetsu University of Education, Japonsko

2016 – 17 Nevratný posun/Irreversible Shift. Galerie Pánů z Kunštátu, Brno

2016 Outamailta, nummilta ja jäätiköiltä -näyttely From Forest lands, Moors and Glaciers Exhibition

Galerie Kilo, Rovaniemi, Finland.

2016 Universum - Locus, With Zdenek Hůla, Timo Jokela and Mirja Hiltunen. International exhibition of Czech and Finnish artists. Charles University and Lapland, Finsko, Rovaniemi. Monasterium of Charles University.

2016 International Exchange Exhibition 2016 A3 Project. Joetsu University of Education and its partner universities: National Hsinchu University of Education (Tai-wan), Charles University (Czech Republic), Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities (China), Northwest Normal University (China). Asutopia Takada, Musee Yuki-Komachi, gallery C. Conception and research worshop.

Last change: May 9, 2019 10:17 
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