Mgr.Zuzana Svatošová

Affiliation: Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education,

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Current position:

Lecturer – BA and MA programs

PhD student

Researcher – Project of visual literacy, theory of art education

Research field: visual literacy, gender stereotypes in AE, poststructuralist theories in AE, reflective practice and inquiry-based education

Zuzana Svatosova´s research focuses on exploring intersection between educational and cultural studies discourses especially on application poststructuralist theories in didactic of AE. She is also interested in the definition of visual literacy and its development through a meeting with contemporary art. In addition to the theoretical research, she deals with clothing design and textile art.

ZS is a member of the INSEA and participates in international conferences (INSEA -Lisbon 2016, Helsinky 2018, ECER - Copenhagen 2017, Inter-Disciplinary Conference –Oxford 2017).

Grants and research projects:

2017-2021 PROGRES Q17, Příprava učitele a učitelská profese v kontextu vědy a výzkumu/Teacher Preparation and Prefession in the Context of Science and Research. Sub-theme: Visual Literacy. Funded by Charles University.

2015-2018 GAUK 3815, Gender ve výtvarné výchově/Gender in Art Education

Selected publications:

FULKOVÁ, M., SVATOŠOVÁ, Z. (2018) Imaging Pedagogical Processes in Art Education. In Fisher, Rob a Howard, Lisa. Tracing Behind the Image: Unearthing Meanings through Visual Literacy. Inter-Disciplinary Press.

SVATOŠOVÁ, Z. (2017) Téma genderu ve výtvarné výchově(The topic of Gender in Art Education). Výtvarná výchova. Časopis pro výtvarnou a obecně estetickou výchovu školní a mimoškolní, , sv. 57/2017, s. 60–81. ISSN 1210-3691.

SVATOŠOVÁ, Z. (2016) Gender in Art Education. In SALDANHA, A., TRIGO, C., PARDINAS, M.J.A., DE ECA, T.T., . Risks and Opportunities for Visual Arts Education in Europe. : APCV,. s. 530–534. ISBN 978-989-99073-2-4.

ŘÍHOVÁ, K., SVATOŠOVÁ, Z.(2012) Edukační program k výstavě Tváře - Fenomén tváře ve videoartu (Pracovní listy, Čítanka a Bílé desky) (Educative programme to exhibition Faces – the phenomenon of the face in video art, worksheets, reading book, white book). Praha: Galerie Rudolfinum. ISBN 978-80-86443-19-5

SVATOŠOVÁ, Z. (2011) Gender v současném umění. Mateřství jako specifické téma. Diplomová práce(Gender in contemporary art. Motherhood as a specific topic. Diploma thesis). Praha: PedF UK.

Last change: April 13, 2019 19:08 
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