Mgr. Magdalena Novotná, Ph.D.

Affiliation: Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Current position:

Head of Department

Researcher – Project of visual literacy, Project on professional vision in Art Education

Lecturer – MA and BC programs, primary education, international students

Member of Academic Senate of Faculty of Education, Charles University

Research field: pupils´portfolio as a tool of reflective practice in Art Education; professional vision of pre-service art teachers; professional identity of pre-service teachers and teachers-beginners; visual literacy: modalities of perception of visual arts in children and youths

Magdalena Novotna´s research focuses on professional vision of the pre-service teachers using the videorecordings. As a member of transdidactic research group she co-organises videoclubs in teachers´training developing the students´ ability to notice important moments in the process of education. She studies the professional identity of future teachers in collaboration with University of Michigan-Flint. As primary teacher Magdalena Novotna studies possibilities of reflective portfolio in school art education and in teachers´training. Dr. Novotná publish articles and present at national and international conferences.

Grants and research projects:

2017-2021 PROGRES Q17, Příprava učitele a učitelská profese v kontextu vědy a výzkumu/Teacher Preparation and Profession in the Context of Science and Research. Sub-theme: Visual Literacy. Funded by Charles University.

Since 2015 Professional identity of pre-service teachers, research and co-teaching with University of Michigan Flint. Funded by Charles University and Univ. of Michigan-Flint.

2015-2017 PRVOUK; Professional vision, Faculty of Education, Charles University. Funded by Charles University.

2017-2021 PROGRES Q17, Učitelská příprava, III/2b Posilování didaktické znalosti obsahu a rozvoj profesního vidění studentů, videokluby. Funded by Charles University.

Selected publications:

Robová, J., Novotná, M. (2018) Benefits of videoclubs for future teachers training, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Efficiency and Responsibility in Education, ISBN 978-80-213-2858-7 ISSN 2336-744X, s. 299-306

Novotná, M. (2017) Profesní vidění studentů učitelství ve výtvarné výchově, E-pedagogium. Olomouc: UPOL, 2017, č. 3. s. 111-123. ISSN 1213-7758 (tištěná verze) ISSN 1213-7499 (elektronická verze)

Novotná, M. (2017) Čeho si všímají studenti učitelství na videonahrávce hodiny výtvarné výchovy? Konference: ČS Insea "Kritéria kvality ve výtvarné výchově", Pedagogická fakulta Jihočeské Univerzity v Českých Budějovicích, České Budějovice, 21. - 22. 9. 2017.

Novotná, M. (2017) Place as an agent in developing the professional identity of future teachers. IJADE Conference 2017, Art and Design as Agent for Change, Dublin 17.-18.11. 2017

Uličná, K., Stará, J. Novotná, M. (2017) Teacher in the eyes of future primary school teachers. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Efficiency and Responsibility in Education ISBN 978-80-213-2762-7, ISSN 2336-744X, s. 490-497

Pavlasová, L., Stará, J.,Vondrová, N., Novotná, M., Robová, J., Uličná, K. (2017) Výběrové zaměření pozornosti u studentů učitelství a povaha jejich interpretací, Praha: Pedagogika, ISSN 0031-3815 (Print), ISSN 2336-2189 (Online)

Novotná, M. (2016) How I´m becoming a teacher – profesní identita studentů učitelství. Praha: Výtvarná výchova 56(2), s. 9-18.

Last change: November 4, 2020 10:22 
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